Code of Conduct for Players
Play because you enjoy football, not to please someone else!
Respect and support your manager and his helpers – they are not paid to do this job. If they don’t enjoy the work they may decide to quit, leaving you without a team.
Learn the rules and play by them.
Accept the referee’s decision – do not argue!
Do not attempt to mislead the referee by faking an injury – get on with the game.
Do not use offensive, insulting, abusive or racist language towards players, officials or spectators.
Racist behaviour towards players, officials or spectators has no place in our game and positive action will be taken against offenders.
Control your mouth and your temper!
Do not over-react when your team scores a goal!
Respect your opponents and shake hands at the end of the game: win or lose.
No teasing or unfriendliness to your team colleagues as this is not acceptable